Our simulations train you in the arts of negotiation and mediation through direct experience, by placing you in the position of negotiators and mediators. The exercises provide you with an insider’s view of a conflict and the concerns of individuals and groups involved, as well as allowing you to experience the pressures and unpredictability of diplomatic or political negotiations.
What makes us different?
We create a “mirror universe”, a true to life replica of the political and social context, the human dynamics and material realities that shape a conflict and are at play in a real negotiation. The simulations thus give you the opportunity to test both traditional and unconventional ideas about conflict mediation and take personal risks in an environment that is both challenging and respects confidentiality.
Each TRACK4 simulation is:
Modelled on existing conflicts or negotiations
Time-frame allows participants to absorb materials and evolve in their positions
Involves briefings and ‘coaching’ by real negotiators or issue specialists
Participants receive individual feedback and coaching on their negotiation or mediation style
Tailored to meet the interests and requirements of participants
Circumstances continually change as each negotiation simulation unfolds
Includes up to date materials about the conflict and viewpoints represented at the table
An environment that respects confidentiality, where participants can test ideas and take personal and political risks
“The process of peacemaking, with all its pitfalls and road-blocks, is never clearer than during a simulation. The questions about why simpler, straightforward solutions do not work are answered when you are finally forced into the shoes of a negotiator.”
Alex B, TRACK4 simulation participant
Who’s it for?
TRACK4 is a highly effective tool for training in negotiation and mediation as well as more general conflict management skills. Our simulations provide hands on experience for students/universities, mediators, diplomats, policy makers or other professionals working in the field of conflict resolution, communities directly involved in conflict, as well as corporate and non-profit organizations.
Our services include developing and running simulations, training the trainer courses, and consulting.